
Ashlee John Southwest Florida Touring Specialist

My name is Ashlee John, I graduated from fostering community wellness and fitness, particularly among children and the elderly. With a strong foundation in administrative support, I excel in efficiently managing tasks, coordinating schedules, and ensuring seamless operations. Beyond my professional role, I am deeply committed to making a positive impact on the well-being of our community. I have found my calling in creating engaging wellness activities and programs tailored to the unique needs of both children and the elderly. By blending my public health expertise with my passion for fitness, I strive to provide opportunities for physical activity, education, and social connection that enhance the lives of these two distinct yet equally important age groups. I firmly believe that a healthy community is a thriving community, and I am dedicated to promoting holistic well-being through innovative initiatives that address the diverse wellness needs of all ages. Through my combined administrative and wellness efforts, I am excited to contribute to a brighter, healthier future for our community members.